If you are or have been a member of the Police, Military Police, Prison Officer or customs officer and held the power of arrest and enjoy riding motorcycles, why not speak to us about what we can offer.

How we came about
The Blue Knights® are an Incorporated Fraternal Organisation comprising of Law Enforcement Officers from every aspect of Law and Order, who share a passion for Motorcycle Riding. The Blue Knights® came about as an Organisation in 1974 when a few

About Us
We are a group of passionate people who love to ride motorcycles! Blue Knights® England XIV’ was chartered on the 30th January 2006 to cover the Avon and Somerset Constabulary and the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary policing areas. It was formed by

Our members benefit from being in the company of others who have an interest in riding motorcycles and who share a common bond of serving or having served in the law enforcement field. We are able to visit our fellow
Charitable Activity
The Blue Knights constantly raise money for charit
UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND The UKIC is one of 11 conferences that go to make up the Blue Knights® International organisation. In our conference we have a total of 23 chapters, the latest two of which were formed in November 2008 and we currently have a membership in the region of 800 scattered throughout the UK and Ireland.